Brick Street Cafe Wedding Pictures of Jenna and Ethan’s Wedding Day. Pictures by Noveli Wedding Photography, Greenville Wedding Photographers

Jenna and Ethan’s Brick Street Cafe Wedding was incredible! Enjoy the photos and give a huge comment to them and the Wedding Pro’s that made this day possible! 

But before that, here is a quick snippet about thier story!

How did you both meet?

We met in high school in our senior year and have been together ever since!

How did the proposal happen?

Ethan proposed to me in a quiet part of central park after a fun day of wandering through New York City!


Wedding Vendors that made the day perfect!

Wedding Venue: Saint George the Martyr Anglican Church

Reception Venue: Brick Street Cafe

Caterer & Baker: Brickstreet Cafe

Attire: David’s Bridal & Men’s Warehouse

DJ: Jumping Jukebox