The perfect Charlyn Farms wedding pictures of Sharon and Jack’s best day! Wedding Photos by Noveli Wedding Photography Associates

Cupid has something in common with two. Sharon and Jack are professional archers, which is how they met and is thier biggest passion (besides each other).

It all started when they were at an event with one another and they caught each others eye. A few years later:

Well we were headed to an indoor shoot in Louisville Ky. At the Galt house, my mom and Dad use to eat dinner there before my dad passed. Jack took me there the year before just for dinner. He made reservations and we went to dinner. The guy on paino started playing the rose which was a song my mom and dad use to dance to! Jack started talking about how lucky he was to have found me and how in love he was, I still didnt get what he was doing. Next thing I know he pulled out a box, got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. Of course I cried and said yes!!

But today was the big day, and Noveli Associates Alejandro and Kelly were ready to capture every gorgeous moment and detail of the day. Charyln Farms is a stunning venue. How many rustic barns have a controled enviroment indoors so it is always the perfect temperature!

The day was beyond perfect. The weather was on point for thier outdoor ceremony, where they were married under a gorgeous arbor. The party was exaclty what is should be, and everyone had a blast. 

The decore' by Renee Burroughs Design was stunning as always! 

So that they could stay and party, we did a faux grand exit so they could have the best of both worlds, the grand exit pictures and the party to not end!

Enjoy some of our favorite images of the day and leave them a nice comment!

Officiant: Jeff Wilson

Cake Vendor: Holly's Cakes

Hair Stylist: Andie J

Make Up Artist: Andie J

Wedding Dress Vendor: David's Bridal

DJ: Charles Whatley

Event Coordinator or Planner: Kristine Flaherty

Flower Vendor: Renee Burroughs

Event Rentals: Tri-County Rentals

Caterer of Food: Kevin Flaherty

Transportation (Limo, Carriage, etc): GSP Limosines.