Wedding Pictures of Green Valley Country Club for Haley and Ben’s Greenville SC Wedding. Photos by Noveli Wedding Photography

Sometimes finding the right photographer does not always mean you find them first. Haley and Ben had a pretty rough time with their first choice of a photographer and when things were looking tough, they turned to My Wedding Group to find all of their wedding professionals. This is where they found us, Holly's Cakes, Crystal Williams Events, and many more of their vendors. As they said at the end, we wish we would have come here first. We love being a part of such an amazing group.

The Wedding day was finally here! Stephen and I were so excited to meet up with Haley, her mom and her girls at the home she was getting ready at. The team from Cotton Rouge was preparing Haley's makeup for the day. She looked stunning and we knew Ben was going to be thrilled to see her. Every detail was perfect, from her dress and jewelery to the gorgeous flower arrangements provided my Greg Foster.

From Ben's smile and tears from the first time he saw Haley, to the kiss that bonded them together for life it was the best ceremony. 

The party continued at Green Valley Country Club where the Party Machine was ready to keep the music bumping and get the dance party started! The night was perfect and it was hard saying goodbye to such a wonderful couple and family!

Give them some love in the comments below as well as the other many vendors that made the day perfect! 

Officiant: Bill Tyler and Charlie Garrett

Cake Vendor: Holly's Cakes

Hair Stylist: Christy Johnson

Wedding Dress Vendor: Carolina Traditions

DJ or Band: Party Machine

Event Planner: Crystal Williams

Flower Vendor: Gregg Foster

Caterer of Food: Green Valley Country Club

Transportation: Eastside Transportation

Photo Booth: Party Machine