Enjoy the Marriage Proposal Pictures of Kaintrel’s amazing proposal plan in Greenville SC come to life! Photography by Noveli Wedding Photography

So Stephen and I know that Greenville is on like a million top 10 lists for places to visit, etc but a destination marriage proposal was a first for us.

We do about a dozen proposals a year and we scheme with our gooms to make sure the moment is perfect, and the picture is perfect. Kaintrel has a few extra layers to his plan.

You see, Kaintrel and Cherise live in Nebraska and had never been to Greenville before. During an online search for the best places to visit for fall, Greenville and Ashville topped the list. Kaintrel had a old high school friend that know lived in downtown, and with some sound advice chose Falls Park at the Liberty Bridge to pop the big questions.

Yet, there was one more layer to the proposal. Cherise let Kaintrel know that if he were to ever propose, that her family had to be near or present because they mean so much to her in her life.

After explaining all of this to Stephen and I over the phone, Kaintrel let us know he was flying her family in on the flight right after his and Cherise and they would be on the bridge with black umbrella’s with white lettering spelling out Marry Me.

So after a lot of planning, texts and phone calls, the plan was in motion. I coordinated the family while Stephen was on the look out.

Needless to say the plan worked to perfection! Check it out on Instagram

After the initial shock wore off, we took a few snaps of them alone and with their family for the perfect beginning to many future family vacations.