The Loom at Cotton Mill Place Wedding Pictures of Lizzie and Stewarts magical Wedding Day! Wedding photos by Noveli Wedding Photography, Simpsonville Wedding Photographers.

Lizzie and Stewart come from the most blended and perfect family. There is true love that bonds them together and it is evident every single time they look at one another.

How they Met:

Our families are friends. They tried to set us up for a while but it was just awkward. We stayed friends for a couple of years. I ended up texting him out of the blue and he asked me to a concert in Charlotte. We've been together ever since.


The Proposal:

Stewart took me to my favorite brunch spot in downtown Rock Hill, Five and Dine. We then started walking to the fountain in the snow. We stopped at the town Christmas tree and he asked me why I loved him today? (a question I ask him all the time). I said because you took me to brunch. I then asked him why he loved me today, and he said because you are going to make an amazing wife. He then got down on one knee and asked me to marry him.



Vendors that made this Loom Wedding Perfetion!

Venue: The Loom at Cotton Mill Place

Music: Jumping Jukebox

Hair and Makeup: Cotton Rouge and Co.

Dress: Dimitra Designs

Flowers: Renee Burroughs Designs

Event Rentals: Professional Party Rentals

Catering: Reeves Catering