Rock Hill SC Engagement Photos of Lizzie and Stewart. Engagement Photography by Noveli Wedding Photography

Some of our favorite clients to meet are ones that have connections with past clients. Years ago, we met Elizabeth at her mom’s Wedding. We were photographing her mom’s (Regina) and Lynn’s (her new mom) Wedding. Fast forward to this past Friday were we got the opportunity to photograph Lizzie and Stewart’s engagement photos! Stephen and I love how that past connection creates an ease that grabs those true smiles.

They live in Rock Hill, and they wanted the session to reflect their love of down town. So we started at Amelie’s, the cutest french bakery we have seen outside of France! We wantd to keep things light and relaxed, and loved how that created the best environment for them to really connect with one another.

We bounced around downtown until sunset and ended the session at the fountain that is centered in down town.

This was also a special place or them because this was the spot Stewart proposed!

Enjoy the images and give them some love!