Sawyer Family Farmstead Wedding Pictures of Nicole and Andrews wonderful Wedding Day! Wedding Photos by Highland NC and Cashier’s Wedding Photographers Noveli Wedding Photography

Its no secret that Sawyer Family Farmstead is one of our favorite highland wedding venues. Between the attentive staff to the endless picture opportunities it really makes photographing weddings a true pleasure.

Nicole and Andrew’s wedding was no exception. It was the second of a back to back weekend there, and we could not be happier with the results!

How they met..

Our story started on a Tuesday… Taco Tuesday. It was (almost) a weekly tradition. However, one Tuesday deserves the title of being more special than all the rest. It was here, at this most unlikely hole-in-the-wall taco joint that our futures collided. The initial meeting was awkward as Andrew was a lot cuter than I imagined and the nerves got the best of me. He just thought I was weird. After several more Taco Tuesdays, he asked me on a date to the beach. Riding back from the beach in his beloved Dodge truck, I knew he was a keeper.–Nicole

The Proposal Story..

I was supposed to be at “the wood store… buying wood.” Little did she know, I was out buying a ring to put on her finger. I knew of the perfect place too. We love hiking and considered the nearby park as a special place where we could hike all day and not see another person. If you hike far enough back, you find yourself on the bank of a small lake. I knew this was the place (she even said it was her favorite). And so, one sunny afternoon in late December, I couldn’t wait to get down on one knee and ask her to be my wife (and show her what I bought at the wood store). –Andrew

Vendor Details:

Wedding Venue and Reception: Sawyer Family Farmstead

Wedding Dress Vendor: Ivory & Beau Boutique Savannah, GA

DJ or Band: Sound Extreme DJ

Event Coordinator or Planner: Nicole Wade

Caterer of Food: Randevu Restaurant

Wedding Colors: Greenery with pop of Orange