Thornblade Club Wedding Pictures of Susan and Dustin. Wedding Photos by Noveli Wedding Photography

Susan and Dustin came to us from our darling previous bride Somer. Somer and Susan were friends and roommates while attending Bob Jones University and it was so much fun to see Somer again (now that her and Cory’s family has expanded to 4!)

We had such a fun time getting to know Susan and her family during her bridal session, which made the wedding day so much better!

Our day started at Taylors First Baptist Church where Susan was arriving from getting her makeup done by the awesome makeup up artists at Cotton Rouge. Emotion filled the bridal suite and the happiness and tears of joy were abundant. her Dress and details were perfect! And I  love to be able to capture those once in a life time moments between a bride and her family…and Susan was not exception.

How the Met:

We met playing church volleyball. I was in a small group at Taylors First Baptist Church and Dustin’s then roommate was also in my small group and invited him to join us one night when we were playing volleyball. We knew each other for 2 years before I ever agreed to go with him.

The Proposal!

Dustin asked me on our first date on a jetski on the lake. Roughly 3 weeks later he asked me to be his girlfriend on a jetksi on the lake again (thought I didn’t initially agree until a few weeks later) so I knew a jetski would be a part of the proposal. We discussed marriage often, but he always was telling me different things: we could married in 6 months, 15 months, 18 months, etc so I was completely unaware. Our 6 month anniversary was in January and he told me to celebrate that he wanted to take me to a new Restaurant in Columbia, SC. I did not understand what new restaurant in Columbia could be so great, but I agreed. We stopped at his parents house in Simpsonville after church for a quick snack-lunch. Before we were leaving for our 4:30 reservation in Columbia (which I thought was ridiculously early) he told me to come out in the back yard and see his dad’s deck that he’s been working on. When I walked outside there was a path of rose petals to the jetski (which was on the trailer because it was January). When we got to the jetski Dustin had a gift bag with all of our mementos (photos, ticket stubs, receipts, etc) from our dating relationship. He told me we needed to get on the JetSki and take a picture (I was annoyed because I was in a dress and all of this seemed extravagant for 6 months). Once we were up there he told me he wanted me take a photo by myself so I looked over the front at his brother (who was “taking my photo”) when I turned around to get off Dustin was on one knee and after saying some sweet things asked me to marry him. I said yes! And then 100 times if he was serious/knew what he was doing.

When Stephen was doing the groomsmen pictures, he commented on how much fun the guys were. Normally our grooms are all nerves but Dustin was 100% sure about the best decision of his life, marrying Susan.

The ceremony was a perfect blend of two religions, Christian and Jewish. Susan’s father is a Rabbi and provided the final blessing over them before they headed off to celebrate the reception at Thornblade Club.

You always roll the dice on wedding days to try and get an epic sunset. So when one of our favorite coordinators Megan hooked us up with a golf cart, it made it easy to zip down and knock out some awesome formal photos with them.

Erica Berg and the Erica Berg Collective kept the party rocking all evening! 

We ended our night with a fun Glow Stick Exit as they hopped into a BMW I8 and headed off to their tropical honeymoon! 

Give them and the Wedding Vendors some love in the comments below!

Officiant: Reverend Ryan Brooks

Hair Stylist: Cotton Rouge & Company

Make Up Artist: Cotton Rouge & Company

Wedding Dress Vendor: David’s Bridal

Band: Erica Berg Collective

Event Coordinator or Planner: Megan Jarrett

Flower Vendor: Simple Stems

Event Rentals: Professional Party Rentals

Caterer of Food: Thornblade Club

Photo Booth: FamZing Photography

Videography: Noveli Wedding Films