Some Wedding Days can be stressful, but when you have a wonderful family support system like Amanda & Trent have, it makes the day go perfect! Its what makes being a Greenville Wedding Photographer so special.

Some Wedding Days can be stressful, but when you have a wonderful family support system like Amanda & Trent have, it makes the day go perfect! Its what makes being a Greenville Wedding Photographer so special.

Best friends throughout most of high school, Amanda and Trent spent their time together truly getting to know each other and enjoying learning more about each other. What they eventually learned though is that they had a deeper connection than just friends. Fast forward and we all got to witness these two unite forever on their Wedding Day!

The Wedding and Reception took place at Woodruff Baptist Church, and every detail was meticulously thought out and executed. And even though we were at a church, it did not mean that everyone could not get their dance on!

The crew at Uptown Entertainment brought their A game as usual and kept the crowd dancing, even when we snuck away to do a few sunset shots.

We capped our night off with a sparkler LOVE shot and wished them well on their 2 week Caribbean cruise!

Enjoy our faves of the day